DESIGN 4103: Intermediate Visual Communication Design I
Design and application of information systems in the production of visual communications within frameworks of theories of communication.
Credit Hours
Prerequisite: Admission to Bachelor of Science in Design - Visual Communication Design program; or permission of instructor.
Keywords: Brand identity, brand systems, design process, publication design
To provide students with a working understanding of:
- Basic communications theory and the pragmatic use of visual signifiers in the context of brand identity programs and systems
- Measuring audience perceptions through the use of survey research techniques
- The proper creation of visual identifiers and their application in brand identity programs and systems
- The history of significant brand identity programs and systems, and current, significant practitioners and their design processes
Course Materials
Course Organization
This is a 3 credit hour course that meets in person for 2:40 two days a week
Sample Coursework
Students can expect:
- Course readings and writing assignments
- Participation and attendance required

Semester(s) Offered: