Past Graduate Thesis Documents

Below is a listing of graduate thesis documents produced by students in the Department of Design. (DAIM) indicates students from the Digital Animation and Interactive Media degree track. (DRD) indicates students from the Design Research and Development degree track. Project-based theses and the most recent thesis documents may not appear in the state library database. Links to newer documents will be provided as they become available.

  • Ellsworth, Thomas Green Acres: An Approach to Endogenous Analog Game Design Around a Real-World Problem (DAIM)
  • Gajic, Mila Affordances of Immersive Virtual Spaces as a Medium for Representing an Inquiry Process (DAIM)
  • Glover, Raven Serenity Sociable Creatures: An exploration of emergent narratives through behavioral animation and ecosystem dynamics (DAIM)
  • Hejny, Elizabeth The Process of Making a Braided Comic Through Creative Inquiry (DAIM)
  • Lim, Jennifer The Minds of Conspiracy: Visualizing the mindset of conspiracy theorists and designing the ideal future (DRD)
  • Liu, Min Design for Embodied Learning Experiences: Introducing a Process-Oriented Design Framework (DAIM)
  • Mallahzadeh, Mahkameh Elevating Lived Experiences: Collectively Shaping the Future of Healthcare (DRD)
  • Torres Brenes LaRoche, Juan Themed Entertainment and Immersive Design Methods: Developing a Framework for Improving the Sense of Presence in Immersive Experiences (DAIM)