The practice of industrial design at The Ohio State University includes applying a sophisticated level of design thinking and design research approaches to the planning and development of design ideas for objects, services and systems that support human needs. These may include consumer appliances, tools, business machines, furniture, medical equipment, architectural products and transportation devices, to name a few. Understanding modes of manufacturing and production, the analysis of systems, circumstances, and processes to determine ways in which new products can serve to improve or satisfy users in new ways to meet current and future demands is the foundation of our educational approach. At the same time, we believe that it is critical to understand sustainable design principles, and to model practices that contribute to the creation of healthy environments. One of the hallmarks of our industrial design program is the inclusion of multiple opportunities for design students to collaborate with students in other design disciplines. Our industrial design program culminates in a final project that demonstrates each student's comprehensive knowledge and ability to work independently.
Curriculum and Course Sequence
All required 2100 and 2300 series courses in the Design Foundations Program must be taken in an exact sequence, as they are offered only once per academic year and each course is a required prerequisite for the following courses. Any student failing a required course will be removed from the foundations program and be required to stop the course sequence.
DESIGN 2110: Design Fundamentals I
DESIGN 2310: Visual Principles and Techniques I
DESIGN 2700: Introduction to Design Practice
DESIGN 2750: Design History
DESIGN 2130: Design Fundamentals II
DESIGN 2330: Visual Principles and Techniques II
DESIGN 2700: Introduction to Design Practice
DESIGN 2750: Design History
This Design Foundations sequence begins with a competitive selection process to become a design foundations student and concludes with a portfolio-based major admissions review process.
DESIGN 3101: Introduction to Industrial Design I
DESIGN 3200: Design Research I
DESIGN 3301: Visualization Strategies for Industrial Design I
DESIGN 3401: Design Media I for Industrial Design
DESIGN 3151: Introduction to Industrial Design II
DESIGN 3451: Design Media II for Industrial Design
DESIGN 3551: Materials, Process, and Production for Industrial Design
Technology Requirements
Students in the Department of Design at The Ohio State University are required to have their own laptop computers after being admitted into one of our major programs. We do not make recommendations of specific computers, but students pursuing a major in Industrial Design will need a machine that is capable of meeting the technology specifications of the following software:

Students should check with The Office of the CIO prior to purchasing software for site licensed software that is available at discounted prices for students.
Students should check Tech Hub for prices.
Tech Hub is the Ohio State campus computer store. Get software and hardware at or below academic discounted pricing. They work with students, faculty and staff for personal and departmental orders. A variety of Apple, Dell and HP hardware is available including laptops, iPads, tablets, desktops, accessories and add-ons. A variety of software is available including Microsoft, Adobe, EndNote/Reference Manager and more. Tech Hub prices extended to students, faculty and staff with a valid Ohio State BuckID.
Student Portfolios
This voluntary listing of digital portfolios represents our current students' professional preparation at varying levels of experience. It also provides insight into some of the learning experiences provided by courses in our program.
Looking to hire a Design student?
Prospective employers may reach out to students directly about freelance employment opportunities. Employers seeking to hire for internships and/or full-time opportunities are encouraged to work with the Center for Career and Professional Success to post openings via Handshake.
Gain Experiences & Discover Your Passion
Opportunities to become fully engaged in an experience are instrumental to discovering your passion. Internships will give you the experience you need to differentiate yourself from other candidates, support your career goals, contribute to your skill set and determine how your career exploration process and focus may need to be modified to support your long-term goals. Employers are looking for graduates that have already taken the next step to becoming professionals in their field.
Career Prospects in Industrial Design
Students graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Design take positions with design consulting offices, corporate design departments, and government design agencies.
The work of design occurs in either the context of consultant design, where independent design firms provide services to clients, or in the context of corporate, governmental, or non-governmental/not-for-profit design, where design services are provided within an organization.
Consultant design offices can be as small as one person -- an office of 15-20 people is considered relatively large -- and the largest might employ 100 or more. Consultant offices may specialize in one design discipline, or even a subcategory of that specialty. Consultant offices can also be multidisciplinary, and employ designers from all categories, as well as engineers, researchers, marketing and human factors experts, etc.
Corporate design groups exist in all major industries, and employ designers of all disciplines. Industrial design departments are often found within product manufacturing companies.
Design offers many opportunities for a challenging career. Many designers begin with project work, and advance to research, coordination and management. Planning activities often place designers in the role of analyzing business trends, and establishing strategic goals for design activities. Many organizations value the contributions designers make to their businesses, and provide good opportunities for advancement.
Who hired our graduates?
- OSU MMC Digital Lab
- Totally Promotional
- JPMorgan Chase
- Ohio State University Fisher College of Business
- Neighborhood Design Center
- Battelle
- Delft University of Technology
- Created Hardwood LTD
- Lasting Impressions Inc.
- Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
- S&C Electric Company
- Converge Technologies
- Schneider Electric
- Roto Group
- American Honda Motor Company, Inc.
- Continental Office
- Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence
- JPMorgan Chase & Co.
- CoinFlip
- Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence
- Design Central
- ROWE Creative Union
- University of Notre Dame Department of Athletics
- Nemera
- Jetson
- Design Central
- Pique
- The Ohio State University - Masters of Engineering
- Daedalus
- C3D Printers
- Lifetime Brands
- Smart Columbus
- Stanley Black and Decker
- Helm
- Sysco
- Dasikong Information Technology Co., Ltd.
- Delft University of Technology
- Workday
- Roto Group
- JPMorgan Chase & Co.
- PetSmart
- Design Central
- Klugonyx Group
- Fisher-Price
- Techtronic Industries - TTI
- HiViz LED Lighting / FireTech Lights
- Roto Group
- Design Central
- Bolder & Co. Creative Studios
- Priority Designs
- Self-Employed Freelance
- Harper + Scott
- Overdrive Interactive
- Athletic Consultant - Olympic Fencing
- ScriptDrop
- CoverMyMeds
- Techtronic Industries - TTI
- Nestlé
- Interior Define
- Klugonyx Group, LLC
- Meta Designs
- Techtronic Industries - TTI
- Technische Universiteit Delft
- ZoCo Design
- Kohler Co.
- Converge Technologies
- Nordstrom Trunk Club
- 83Design Inc.
- Bluehour
- The Ohio State Univieristy
- Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
- JPMorgan Chase & Co.
- CHOi Design
- Mattel, Inc.
- Bresslergroup
- Ricart Automotive Group
- Nichols Display Group, Inc.
- Milwaukee Tool
- Fahrenheit Design
- SMG - Service Management Group
- Cutmaps
- Burgie MediaFusion, LLC
- NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- WittRock Healthcare
- Professional Jump Roper
- Electrolux
- Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund
- OASIS International Water-Friendly Solutions
- Nestlé
- bioWORLD
- Group Iii International Ltd (Inc)
- Procter & Gamble
- Midea America Corp
- Freelance
- Design Central
- Stratos Innovation Group
Professional Organizations
Professional organizations play an important role in the development of design disciplines and provide valuable resources to their student and professional members. The following organizations are all relevant to Industrial Design.
Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA)
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES)
Interaction Design Association (IxDA)
Retail Design Institute (RDI)
Usability Professionals Association (UPA)