DESIGN 5103: Advanced Visual Communication Design I
Application of planning, analyzing, and designing in two- or three-dimensional visual communication systems; emphasis on application of design research, strategic thinking, creative concepts, and graphic implementation.
Credit Hours
Prerequisite: Admission to Bachelor of Science in Design - Visual Communication Design program; or permission of instructor.
Keywords: Design Method, Capstone Thesis Project, Design Concept, Design Prototyping, Design System
How does one apply design research, problem definition, concept development, and implementation approaches in creating comprehensive projects?
How does one develop a design system and creative application that is relevant to proposed subject, design objectives, and targeted audiences?
How does one develop the ability to critique one’s own work and the work of others based on their intended design principles and objectives?
This is an advanced visual communication design studio course that senior level students translate their discovery research findings and design insights (outcomes of 5200.03) into a comprehensive capstone thesis project. Students apply their design ideation and prototyping skills in creating a holistic design system through a variety of media types and touchpoint applications.
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
- Be provided with exposure to continued experiences developing comprehensive projects based on human-centered design research principles and techniques
- Gain exposure and experiences documenting and displaying individual projects through a variety of media-types
Required Textbook
- Kumar, V. (2013). 101 Design Methods: A Structured Approach for Driving Innovation in Your Organization. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-1118083468
Course Materials
Tools/Software: Adobe Creative Suite
Course Organization
This is a 3 credit hour course that meets for 2:40 twice a week
Sample Coursework
Students can expect:
- Lectures and group discussions
- Assignments, field research, and studio work

Semester(s) Offered: