DESIGN 5552: Interior Design Technology IV
Principles of material specifications, liability, contracts and bidding documentation within the context of Interior Design.
Credit Hours
Prerequisite: Admission to Bachelor of Science in Design - Interior Design program; or permission of instructor.
Specifically, the CIDA [Council for Interior Design Accreditation] standards for this course are that student work demonstrates understanding that design solutions affect and are impacted by:
- Structural systems
- Non-structural systems including ceilings, flooring, and interior walls
- Distribution systems including power, mechanical, HVAC, data / voice telecommunications, and plumbing
- Energy, security, and building controls systems
- Code requirements of emergency egress and the ADA Law
- The interface of furniture with distribution and construction systems
- Vertical circulation systems
- Students are able to proceed into design development with the above issues and systems addressed and incorporated into a holistic design
Course Materials
All required readings will be posted to Carmen
Required software
- CarmenCanvas
- Microsoft Office 365
Course Organization
This is a 3 credit hour course that meets in person twice a week for 2:40 each day
Sample Coursework
Students can expect:
- Attendance needed (up to 3 absences allowed)
- Readings, discussions, and projects
Semester(s) Offered: