Interior Design Technology IV

DESIGN 5552: Interior Design Technology IV

Principles of material specifications, liability, contracts and bidding documentation within the context of Interior Design.
Credit Hours

Prerequisite: Admission to Bachelor of Science in Design - Interior Design program; or permission of instructor.




Specifically, the CIDA [Council for Interior Design Accreditation] standards for this course are that student work demonstrates understanding that design solutions affect and are impacted by:
  1. Structural systems
  2. Non-structural systems including ceilings, flooring, and interior walls
  3. Distribution systems including power, mechanical, HVAC, data / voice telecommunications, and plumbing
  4. Energy, security, and building controls systems
  5. Code requirements of emergency egress and the ADA Law
  6. The interface of furniture with distribution and construction systems
  7. Vertical circulation systems
  8. Students are able to proceed into design development with the above issues and systems addressed and incorporated into a holistic design

Course Materials

All required readings will be posted to Carmen

Required software

  • CarmenCanvas
  • Microsoft Office 365

Course Organization

This is a 3 credit hour course that meets in person twice a week for 2:40 each day

Sample Coursework

Students can expect:
  • Attendance needed (up to 3 absences allowed)
  • Readings, discussions, and projects

Semester(s) Offered:


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