DESIGN 5803: Design Seminar for Visual Communication Design
Investigation of issues and inquiry into topics of relevance to design; group discussions and analysis of events, processes, manifestations and procedures in Visual Communication Design.
Credit Hours
Prerequisite: Admission to Bachelor of Science in Design - Visual Communication Design program; or permission of instructor.
Keywords: Sustainability, ethics, responsibility, society
This course exposes students to important theories concerning designers’ roles in and responsibilities to society. The included readings and films provide a context for the consideration of design beyond traditional models of practice. Students are also provided with an opportunity to apply the course contents to a personal research project related to the design disciplines.
By the end of the course, students will:
- Gain exposure to important readings and theories concerning designers’ roles in and responsibilities to society
- Provide a context for the consideration of design beyond traditional models of practice
- Have an opportunity to apply theories to a project in their design or design-related disciplines
Course Materials
Course Organization
This is a 3 credit hour course that meets for an 1:20 twice a week
Sample Coursework
Students can expect:
- Reading and writing assignments
- Weekly discussions

Semester(s) Offered: