Daily tous les jours: Strange Moments Together

Daily tous les jours
November 19, 2024
5:00PM - 6:30PM
Ohio Union, US Bank Theater

Date Range
2024-11-19 17:00:00 2024-11-19 18:30:00 Daily tous les jours: Strange Moments Together For the past fifteen years, Daily tous les jours has been creating interactive art and narrative experiences for public spaces around the world. Combining technology, design, storytelling, performance, and placemaking, their practice is centered around empowering people to play a more active and collaborative role in the transformation of their places they live in.Contemporary city building is too often based on narrow data-driven analysis that prioritizes productivity, efficiency, and automation. Daily tous les jours’ projects aim to foreground the dimensions of life that this kind of thinking tends to leave out, the qualities that characterize what it means to be human in the first place—the joyful, whimsical, and unexpected, the momentsof connection and care between strangers.In a world of crisis, what does it mean to create meaningful work? How do we questionour preconceptions, bring about impact and change, while working actively to infuse optimism and joy into whatever comes next? As designers and artists, how can we rethink our practice so that it more actively contributes to a future worth living in? Ohio Union, US Bank Theater America/New_York public

For the past fifteen years, Daily tous les jours has been creating interactive art and narrative experiences for public spaces around the world. Combining technology, design, storytelling, performance, and placemaking, their practice is centered around empowering people to play a more active and collaborative role in the transformation of their places they live in.

Contemporary city building is too often based on narrow data-driven analysis that prioritizes productivity, efficiency, and automation. Daily tous les jours’ projects aim to foreground the dimensions of life that this kind of thinking tends to leave out, the qualities that characterize what it means to be human in the first place—the joyful, whimsical, and unexpected, the moments

of connection and care between strangers.

In a world of crisis, what does it mean to create meaningful work? How do we question
our preconceptions, bring about impact and change, while working actively to infuse optimism and joy into whatever comes next? As designers and artists, how can we rethink our practice so that it more actively contributes to a future worth living in?

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