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Design MFA Program - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I locate information about the Design Master of Fine Arts (MFA) graduate program?

Details about our MFA graduate program can be found on our website under Graduate Studies in Design

Do you offer a master's degree in industrial, interior, or visual communication design?

Our MFA program is interdisciplinary and collaborative in nature and not specifically focused on one of these areas (i.e. Visual Communication, Industrial or Interior Design).  We offer two graduate program tracks: Design Research and Development (DRD), and Digital Animation and Interactive Media (DAIM) both leading to a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree.

The DRD track is usually selected by students with industrial design background.

What is the application process and deadline?  

Information about the process and deadlines can be found under Graduate Studies Application Process page on our website.

*Please note the application to the Design MFA program is a two-step process. Step one is submitting and application to the Ohio State University Graduate School. Step two is completing a second application to the Department of Design. Please see our Graduate Studies Application Process for additional information.

What is the application fee, and is a fee waiver available?

Ohio State Graduate and Profession Admissions charges a nonrefundable $60 fee for U.S. students and $70 for international students for each regular or supplemental application you submit to Ohio State for graduate study. You may check your eligibility for a fee waiver on the Graduate and Professional Admissions website. International students are not eligible for application fee waivers. However, you may contact Education USA to ask if they can offer assistance.

Do you require GRE scores?  

The GRE is not required if your cumulative GPA is 3.0 or higher based on the 4.0 scale.

Do you accept hardcopies of my statement of intent, CV, portfolio, transcripts and recommendation letters?

No. Our application process is completely online.

What is required in the statement of intent?

The statement of intent is very important. Clearly explain why the Ohio State Design Graduate Program is critical to your continued research interest and focus area. What possible future directions might your creative research take based on what you know about new developments in your specific discipline and in relevant emerging research trends? What makes Ohio State the best place to support what you are doing? What faculty members have a point of synergy with what interests you the most?

Stay clear of biographical statements like “I always wanted to be a designer” or “used to look at interesting paintings”. Talk more about how your proposed research or focus area is going to advance a specific area such as teaching, professional practice, communication theory, social concerns, etc.

Describe any supporting experiences you have had in the areas of community engagement, professional outreach, former or current employment and other activities such as travel and volunteer projects that have impacted your design philosophy, your research or your approach to creative work. Also, how has any work you have done impacted others? 

Articulate how you are prepared for advanced study in the field of design.

Open Topic: Applicants who select to apply to the MFA program with an open research topic must also provide the following information:

  • Applicants should present a clear statement of your creative research focus. Address how this research interest developed and describe how your past and current creative work informs its development. 
  • Identify three active design professors (not associated faculty, graduate students, or emeritus faculty) who are well-positioned to support your research and creative work.
  • Discuss how these faculty members align with your primary interests.
  • Describe how your proposed research will advance a specific area, such as teaching, professional practice, communication theory, social concerns, etc.

Curated Project: Applicants who are applying to the program by selecting a curated project must also provide the following information:

  • Identify the curated project for your research and creative work
  • Address why you are interested in this specific project.
  • Describe how the curated project aligns with your interests, skillset, and experience.
  • Articulate why you are the best MFA applicant to be selected for this project.

Two pages, single spaced (or 1.0 in Word) is most common and the recommended length.

 What are the Portfolio requirements?

Applicants may submit up to 15 files total for portfolio and supplemental materials as images, videos, or PDFs.

Allowed Media Types:

  • Images (up to 5MB each)
  • Video (up to 250MB each)
  • PDFs (up to 10MB each)
  • External media from YouTube and Vimeo

Design Research and Development (DRD) Portfolio Submission

Applicants must upload a digital portfolio of design projects, as part of the online application process. Applicants can submit projects in the areas of interior design, product design, visual communication/graphic design, interactive and time-based media, or other related creative fields for review. Design Research and Development applicants should include examples of completed works that demonstrate their preparation for advanced study in design. Applicants may also submit supplemental materials that document methodology and/or demonstrate their knowledge and capabilities. This includes proposals or published papers that demonstrate tangible results of creative work and/or their ability to construct and express intellectual arguments in writing. Applicants may submit up to 15 files total for portfolio and supplemental materials as images, videos, or PDFs. Select your best and most relevant work that showcases your skills, creativity, and design thinking. Include a variety of projects to demonstrate versatility and depth. Get input from your mentors and peers. 

Digital Animation and Interactive Media Portfolio Submission 

Applicants must submit video files representative of their experience and achievement in animation and/or interactive media. Videos may be the final work, or they may be documentation of process or installations. Compilations or demo reels are accepted, but if submitting complete works, please upload or link each individually if possible. A short text description for each uploaded portfolio document should also be provided. Applicants may also submit supplemental materials that document methodology and/or demonstrate their knowledge and capabilities. This includes proposals or published papers that demonstrate tangible results of creative work and/or their ability to construct and express intellectual arguments in writing. Applicants may submit up to 15 files total for portfolio and supplemental materials as images, videos, or PDFs. Select your best and most relevant work that showcases your skills, creativity, and design thinking. Include a variety of projects to demonstrate versatility and depth. Get input from your mentors and peers.

See the Graduate Studies Application Process page to view guidance on the portfolio requirement.

What is the ideal length and content to include in a video for a Digital Animation and Interactive Media application? Could I briefly introduce my portfolio in the video?

When applying to the DAIM track, an applicants video submission(s) may focus on the work showing their animation design and production, character design, rendering, 2-D or 3-D modeling, storyboarding, etc. There are spaces in SlideRoom (Deprtment of Design's supplmental application) for an applicant to write a short description for each portfolio piece (or each file). Usually, each video file is within the range of 2 to 4 minutes. You can submit up to 15 files.  

Does including illustration works that integrate digital art and traditional drawing in the portfolio fulfill the criteria for Digital Animation and Interactive Media (DAIM)?

Including illustration and digital art is acceptable for the portfolio.

What should the portfolio look like for a non-traditional design candidate for the MFA Design Research and Development track (DRD)?

When submitting the portfolio, provide more specific descriptions about your role, process, and design thinking approach along with your design concept and solution for this resource app project. The DRD track is for individuals with academic backgrounds in all fields of design. Professional practice experience is also useful, though not required. Students in our program are encouraged to think critically about design problems and processes, to compare and test methods, and to seek discoveries through the analysis and synthesis of cross -disciplinary approaches and the application of design thinking. The program is intentionally multidisciplinary and process-oriented, so courses in this degree may also be of interest to those who are incorporating design thinking into the processes of other disciplines, which generates a diverse atmosphere.

Are fellowships, graduate associateships, or scholarships offered?

University Fellowships and department Graduate Associateships are available for domestic and international applicants. Details are found under Funding and Financial Support. If you are applying as an international student and would like to be considered for a Fellowship, all application materials must be submitted by November 30. Please apply in advance. Anticipate delays in obtaining letters of recommendation and transcripts. Admission decisions are made only after all materials are received. Late or incomplete applications are not considered. 

Our department does not offer any special scholarship or grant for merit international students. Please see the Office of International Affairs for grant or scholarship information. 

When submitting an application to our program, applicants may indicate if they are interested in a Fellowship or Graduate Associateship.

If admission is deferred to the subsequent academic year, will an applicant still receive identical financial support?

You would be placed back into a pool of newly admitted students for the next academic year. Eligibility for financial support will be re-evaluated, though it cannot be guaranteed. All newly admitted students will be considered and determined by the number of positions available and the amount of funding available. 

Can I schedule a visit or meeting to discuss the MFA graduate program?

The department offers two virtual Graduate Studies Information Sessions (typically held in October).  Faculty and staff provide information about the Design MFA program, application process, funding opportunities, and research activities. This is an excellent opportunity to ask your questions to our faculty and staff. Prospective students are strongly recommended to attend a session and consult with a faculty member in their area of interest. Individual meetings can be arranged by contacting one of our faculty listed at Design Directory.  See our Information Sessions page to view additional details. 

Is it possible to complete the Design MFA program in two years?

Our MFA program requires 60 credit hours, which is very difficult to complete in two years. It is a three-year program, and only under exceptional circumstances is it completed in less time.

Is it possible to be a Design graduate student and work a full-time job?

That would be quite challenging and would depend on the flexibility of your job/employer. Design MFA graduate students are required to attend daytime classes (no online courses) and meet with their advisors on a regularly basis outside scheduled class times.

Can I still apply to the program with a non-design background?

Yes. A major or minor in design is not required, though it does help. However, your application must show that you have the experience and aptitude to successfully pursue an advanced degree in Design. This should be reflected in your portfolio and statement of intent. For details, please see the Graduate Studies Application Process to review the requirements. 

Most MFA applicants have some sort of design education. Applicants without a design degree have a degree in a related field, such as engineering, architecture, or art. Most students have taken design related courses in art, architecture, or engineering.

Being an undergraduate from an engineering field, is switching fields to design encouraged?

Switching from engineering to design is not generally encouraged, but it is possible. Your portfolio and statement of intent will be evaluated relative to other applicants who are likely to come from a design background, therefore, you may be at a disadvantage when it comes to the work in your portfolio. 

What courses should I take prior to applying to your MFA graduate program to better prepare myself?

Please consult with faculty or advisors at your current school, or with someone who is more familiar with your education, experience, and interests. You may view the courses our undergraduate students take prior to receiving their Bachelor of Science in Design (BSD).

Do you accept IELTS or TOEFL test scores?

Success at Ohio State depends upon your ability to converse in, write and understand English. Our graduate program accepts official TOEFL or IELTS Academic test scores from applicants:

  • whose native language is not English,
  • who have been educated primarily outside of the U.S., or
  • who have held U.S. permanent resident, asylee or refugee status for less than one year from the first term of enrollment.

To be official, score results must be received directly from the testing agency (ETS or IELTS) by the application deadline.

See Graduate and Professional Admissions for minimum test scores accepted, and details on exemptions. 

Do you accept Duolingo English test scores?

No, Department of Design does not accept Duolingo test scores.

What are the tuition, fees and living expenses?

Estimated tuition and living expenses can be found on the Graduate and Professional Admissions website. 

Is your graduate program part of the STEM program, and does it offer Optional Practical Training (OPT)?

Yes, our Design MFA graduate program is STEM approved and our CIP Code name is Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphic and Special Effects. It covers both program tracks: Design Research & Development (DRD), and Digital Animation and Interactive Media (DAIM).

Optional Practical Training (OPT) - International graduates of this major are approved by the Department of Homeland Security for three (3) years of work permission in the United States after graduation. Visit the Office of International Affairs website for more information.