2022 IDSA Pumpkin Carving Challenge

October 31, 2022

2022 IDSA Pumpkin Carving Challenge

“2022 IDSA Pumpkin Carving Challenge” over a photo of a face carved into a pumpkin.

“Most Lit,” “Daredevil,” “Best in Show” – guest judges awarded these and other pumpkin carving superlatives to students during a recent event hosted by the student chapter of Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) at Ohio State.

Photos of students using tools to carve pumpkins on top of newspaper covered tables during the event.

Thanks to IDSA student leadership (Olivia Doland, Jaqueline Brandon, Jason Dionisio, Grace Gerber, & Sarah Kocher) and Faculty Advisor Assistant Professor William Nickley, the 2022 IDSA Pumpkin Carving Challenge welcomed 30 guests. Together, guests carved 21 pumpkins while enjoying seasonal music and provisions.

Photos of a pumpkin being carved and illuminated; this pumpkin has a scary smile with lots of teeth.

A panel of four designers from the Central Ohio region (Maria Basile, Isabella Brown, Carley Giles, and Stephanie Owens) served as pumpkin judges; after nearly 2 hours of carving, judges scrambled to choose pumpkins deserving of festive titles, like “Well Crafted,” and “Scariest.” A young guest awarded a “Kids’ Choice” superlative!

Photos of carved pumpkins.

The Pumpkin Carving Challenge was not only a festive way for students to experience design community at Ohio State, but the event also served as a fundraiser for the IDSA student organization; guests had the option to purchase a locally sourced pumpkin (cleaned and gutted by IDSA students), local design firms were offered the opportunity to sponsor the event in exchange for a custom pumpkin (designed and carved by an IDSA student member).

Photos of a pumpkin being carved and illuminated; this pumpkin has eyeballs and a Design Central company logo.

Generous contributions from Columbus-based Design Central and Cincinnati-based Kaleidoscope Innovation, alongside pumpkin sales proceeds, resulted in IDSA raising $552. IDSA plans to earmark funds raised through this event to support an international design field trip in May, 2023.

3rd-year Industrial Design student Korene Embrack designed and carved the Design Central pumpkin with help from her classmate Jason Dionisio. 3rd-year Industrial Design student Jackie Brandon designed and carved the pumpkin for Kaleidoscope Innovation.

Photos of a pumpkin being carved and illuminated; this pumpkin has a kitten with a pointy hat and a Kaleidoscope Innovation company logo.

When asked about sponsoring the event, a representative for Kaleidoscope said, “Anything that helps the OSU design program and IDSA student chapter is a win in my book! It makes me so happy to see the department flourish.”

Visitors to Hayes Hall the week before Halloween could view pumpkins in-person. If you missed them this year, IDSA says they plan to run the event again in 2023!

Photo of carved pumpkins on the front steps of Hayes Hall.

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