Easy-to-use tools for evaluating co-creative sessions

Liz Sanders has been collaborating with the Cluster for Co-Creative Service Design and Innovation for the past five years. The CCSDI cluster was formed in 2017, with funding from the Norwegian Research Council. The cluster consists of a group of 16 healthcare partners, representing primary and specialist healthcare, the service design industry, patient organizations, service design researchers, ICT, technology management, nursing science, and medicine.
One of the outputs of this research collaboration is the CoReflect Toolkit which is an easy-to-use tool for evaluating co-creative sessions. The CoReflect Toolkit contains fourteen cards designed to evaluate co-design processes, gain insights, and improve future co-creative work. Each card contains an exercise, that can be used as an individual or as a group exercise. The card deck includes exercises to evaluate different aspects of co-creative sessions: Building Relations, Managing Time, Sharing Perspectives, Exploring & Creating, Material & Space, General Feedback. The OSU Design students who took Design Research Two (DESIGN 4200) in the Fall Semester of 2021 were all involved in pilot testing the cards and provided feedback essential for fine-tuning the cards.

The cards from the CoReflect Toolkit can be used either digitally in Miro or printed and used in physical contexts. The toolkit is free to use for anyone (please follow the licensing) and is available in English and Norwegian.
Liz will be speaking about the CoReflect Toolkit at the final CCSDI Conference: CoReflection. The conference will take place on June 2, 2022 at DOGA (Design and Architecture Norway) in Oslo, Norway.