Elaine Smith Wins 2023 Trauma Center Association of America National Injury Prevention Day Media Contest

Third-Year Visual Communication Design student, Elaine Smith, won first place in the 2023 Trauma Centers Association of America National Injury Prevention Day Media Contest. There were 91 national submissions in the college category.
Elaine has been volunteering with the OSU Wexner Medical Center, Injury Prevention Department, and Social Media/Marketing Departments to create video segments called “Ashby’s Advice”. The winning submission was “Ashby’s Advice: Concussion.”
Ashby is a Buckeye Paws therapy dog who works with OSU staff, students, faculty. In these videos, Ashby gives advice on how to stay safe in collaboration with Injury Prevention criteria. There are currently 7 videos (Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, Concussions, Emergency Preparedness, Fall Prevention, Phones Down, Halloween Safety, and Self Care)! Please check them out on the official OSUWMC Instagram page (@osumexmed). His advice can be found on the OSUWMC internal HUB, Instagram, and Tik Tok. Some have received over 18,000 views and 200 likes.