Internship Spotlight - Madison Hildebrand

Madison Hildebrand is a fourth-year Interior Design student at The Ohio State University. This fall semester, Madison was given the position of an environmental design intern at Columbus design company Big Red Rooster. From the start of her internship, she was placed on the Hudson team. This role was retail based and worked with the Hudson stores that are placed in airports across the country. This ranged from a classic Hudson store to Evolve by Hudson and even Hudson Non-Stop which uses Amazon technology. Madison had a wide range of responsibilities for these projects, one of the main roles being to source materials for the space and then at the end to create a physical material board that would be sent to the client. From here, she would place the final materials into a finish schedule and get in contact with the company’s rep to order samples. Madison would arrange these material boards to make sure they were perfect for the client to get the proper vision.
Before this internship, many of the projects worked on at Ohio State were hypothetical, but in her time at Big Red Rooster, several of the RFPs that Madison assisted with creating won and are in the process of being built. Madison said, “I feel very lucky to have been surrounded by coworkers that were so uplifting and creative, and I left each day feeling inspired to take on these real projects.”.
Some of the other tasks Madison had during her internship included sitting in on client meetings, photoshopping floor plans, modeling in SketchUp, and even creating digital material boards.
- Madison Hildebrand
Big Red Rooster is a multidimensional brand experience firm located in the German Village neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio.