Marking the Passing of Professor Peter Megert

The Department of Design offers its condolences to the family of Professor Peter Megert, who passed away June 2, 2022 at the age of 85. A member of our Visual Communication Design faculty for fifteen years, the Swiss-born Megert first studied design at the Kunstgewerbeschule and at various programs in France. He joined the young Division of Design in 1970 after practicing professionally for some time at the Westinghouse Corporate Design Center in Pittsburgh. He rose to the rank of professor before retiring in 1985, and like so many of our devoted faculty members, Peter remained active by teaching in an adjunct capacity for several more years. In addition to providing a strong sense of Swiss graphic design principles to many of our students, Peter played a critical role in supporting the dynamic transition from analog to digital production methods that has become a defining feature of contemporary design education. Peter Megert is survived by his wife Ursula and two sons, and he will be remembered fondly by his former colleagues and by the many students who studied with him.