Summer Studio: Impossible Textiles |Techno-Textiles | TechStyles

March 7, 2024

Summer Studio: Impossible Textiles |Techno-Textiles | TechStyles


Instructor: Sasha de Koninck

Class Number: 23348

May Session: 5/7/24 - 5/31/24

MWF 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Textiles are one of the earliest forms of technology. At their simplest forms, they consist of interlocking or inter-looping fibers that form a large substrate. Now, they have even more technology embedded within them–metallic fibers allow for soft versions of sensors and circuits that integrate with our everyday lives.

In this course, we will start at the fiber level, exploring and experimenting with various materials such as cotton and wool to bioplastics and conductive threads. We will cover different ways of working with fibers from braiding to weaving to knitting. Beyond the fiber level, we will explore textile structure, form and applications. We will also dive into the world of electronic and smart textiles, embedding conductive materials to create circuits and sensors.

Students will push at the boundaries of the fields of textiles and technology. We will question what needs to be present in order to consider something a textile or a technology. We will experiment and explore materials, structures, forms, and applications. We will create, imagine, and play.

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