Applying biophilic design to promote the wellbeing of older adults with dementia
Susan Booher
MFA Design Research and Development, 2020
Thesis Abstract:
In my interest of working with the aging population in design research and development, I have focused my graduate studies research on how individuals with dementia respond to stimulation from biophilic design elements within their memory-support living community. Biophilic design is experienced sensorially, which is similar to other successful behavior therapy interventions introduced to individuals with dementia. Through this research, I am learning what elements of biophilic design could be applied for sensorial stimulation that may promote well-being in the aging population and improve quality of life for individuals with dementia. Because my aim is to gain new knowledge of applying biophilic design elements within a built environment, it is practice-based. Most biophilic design elements or patterns are experienced through sensorial stimulation.

Susan G. Booher’s managed and worked on commercial interior space projects for over thirteen years after receiving her Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design from The Ohio State University. Before enrolling in Graduate Studies in Design, it was her desire to consider the needs and voices of the intended user in design decisions, thus making design more enriched and valuable. Her future goals are to co-design with older adults through problem solving, research and development.
More of Susan’s work can be found at