Bryce Patterson

Bryce Patterson

In Lived Color

Background: In Lived Color is a design exhibition that focuses on, highlights, and celebrates the work of African-American & Black designers from all disciplines and career stages. Additionally, the exhibition will bridge the gap between African American students and the career paths of design.  

Research Methodology: I achieved the collection of my exhibition content through 1-on-1 interviews, most of which were conducted on Zoom and lasted about an hour.  Additional methods included, the scanning of web articles and writings as well as a review of the book  An Anthology of Blackness.

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Bryce Patterson

Bryce Patterson is a 4th year Visual Communications Design student. He enjoys working in branding, print and environmental design. He has two Awards of Excellence awards from The Columbus Society of Communicating Arts, won in 2020 and 2024 respectively. When he is not designing, he is either watching tv or playing a video game, or outside kicking a ball around.