Jaime Donaldson
Interior Design, 2020
A prevalent problem in Franklinton, Ohio is the high rates of single and divorced parents. 19% of the population, 15 or older, are divorced. Of the population with children 18 or younger, 10% are single fathers, and 63% are single mothers. Whether this is due to financial instability or lack of resources, C3 is a communal space with a goal to heal these families. C3 stands for the three essential components of the goal; Community, Counseling, and Connections. Community is understood as spaces to spend time with your family or other families to create a sense of acceptance. Counseling is provided within the building for both family and child focused counseling. Connections are made throughout the building in age specific areas such as the playground, game room, and reading nook. C3 is a space that is welcoming to both single and divorced parents and their children. It aids in the healing process and encourages families through play, counseling, and meals.

Jaime Donaldson, originally from Centerburg, Ohio, will be a first generation graduate come Spring 2020. She will be graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design, with a distinction in research, and Entrepreneurship and Innovation minor. She is interested in taking her passions of mental and physical health to future professional endeavors to create spaces more focused on the WELL Building Standard.