Co-designing with “She Has A Name”: Active Learning for Johns and Best Practice Tools for John School Administrators
Natalia Rodrigues
MFA Design Research and Development, 2022
Project Description:
The purpose of this research was to co-design with a local non-profit organization, She Has a Name (SHAN), for the purpose of aiding in their fight against sex trafficking through education. Co-design participants included frontline professionals, who work to combat sex trafficking. A nearly two-year effort resulted in four different projects that address the improvement of a type of program offered by SHAN called a “John School” (1) learning activities to be used in the Columbus John School curriculum, (2) a database for all John Schools in the world, (3) an online global community for frontline professionals to discuss best practices and other important topics, and (4) interviews with current John School administrators. Once the four projects were completed, study participants co-designed a transition plan so that SHAN could take ownership of each project.
Committee Members:
Elizabeth B.-N. Sanders, David J. Staley, and William Nickley.
Participatory design, co-design, human trafficking, sex trafficking, demand reduction, John School program, educational program, johns, She Has a Name