Community Cruiser Trip Planner

Community Cruiser Trip Planner

Lauren Goslee

Industrial Design, 2022

The Community Cruiser Trip Planner app helps increase mobility opportunities for older adults in Upper Arlington, Ohio by allowing them to easily plan their trips on a local community bus. Though 95% of older adults in this suburban area still drive themselves, there are safety concerns indicating that many older adults should no longer be driving. Older adults I spoke with said they are unsure how they would get around if they were no longer able to drive themselves. They mentioned unfamiliarity, stress, and lack of assistance as pain points of utilizing current public transportation and direct ride services. The Community Cruiser Trip Planner is a step-by-step app for intuitively planning trips on a new community bus. This app will provide older adults a convenient and stress-free way to transition to a new form of transportation. The Community Cruiser bus will be a specific vehicle for transporting older adults in Upper Arlington, Ohio, and will be piloted soon by our project partner, The Upper Arlington Commission on Aging.

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The trip planner app opens to a welcome page, leading to a main home screen with 5 actions to prepare for a trip.
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Planning a trip lets you select a day and search where you’ll be coming from. Nearest bus stops are generated from the searched locations.
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Estimated time options appear generated from the bus’s schedule. Choosing around when you want the pickup to be will generate an estimated drop off time. Once confirmed, your schedule is displayed.
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A shortcut to schedule your trip back is displayed. Once completed you will see your full schedule with the ability to edit if needed.
Other actions accessible from the bottom menu and home screen include finding bus stops, tracking the bus, and finding what is nearby in the “while I wait” menu. Further design opportunities include refining onboarding, implementing schedule reminders and bus tracking notifications, and designing a bus route for Upper Arlington.

Lauren Goslee

Lauren Goslee is a motivated Industrial Designer who is passionate about engaging people and designing with them to contribute meaningfully to their well-being. She strives to help others through design by creating intuitive and accessible products, and hopes to be able to combine her heart for social impact with her design skills to impact local communities.

View Lauren's other work at here!