Courtney Jagers

Courtney Jagers

City Park- Child Care and Family Education Center

Franklinton is a community in Columbus facing economic challenges. Financial instability causes a variety of issues for families living below the poverty line. One major issue that families with young children experience is finding suitable childcare. It can be impossible for parents to maintain steady employment when they cannot afford adequate childcare.

This space is designed to address the need for affordable childcare for children ages 0-5 in Franklinton. Through this affordable (‘pay-what-you-can’) model of childcare, parents of Franklinton will have a safe place to send their children, giving them more opportunity to work. Children, themselves, will experience enrichment, socialization, academic advancement, emotional development, and more.

In addition to enriching childcare, the center will address the need for family education and foster the connection of parents with resources that can help them. Families will have opportunities to attend regular educational events, parenting workshops, classes, and support groups. Parents can learn more about the resources that are available to them throughout Franklinton and Columbus. The center will hold space for non-profits to educate parents and children about their organizations or educate them more generally on topics that affect the community of Franklinton.

This space is not only for childcare for families in need but also for education and outreach by community resources that are passionate about Franklinton and the prosperity of its residents. By educating parents and connecting them with other parents and community resources, residents will be empowered, with useful knowledge about how they can help themselves and their families.

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Courtney Jagers

Courtney Jagers is a fourth-year student at The Ohio State University, pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Interior Design with a distinction in research. She has a passion for design that is sustainable, adaptable, functional, and accessible. With a deep appreciation for aesthetic design and human-centered solutions, she is excited to pursue a future in interior design, where she can make a meaningful impact on the way people experience spaces.