Designing for Narrative Performance in Virtual Reality

Designing for Narrative Performance in Virtual Reality

Abigail Ayers

MFA Digital Animation and Interactive Media, 2020



This research focuses on developing a framework for designers working with narrative VR content, specifically through highlighting the contributions of both the designer and user to create intentional and compelling VR spaces. By understanding the importance of the user's contributions as a vital component of virtual spaces, designers are better equipped to make impactful design decisions throughout the development process.

This framework was developed and applied to a co-thesis virtual reality experience with MFA Design candidate Tori Campbell, focusing on the true story of Ruby Bridges. Users will go through a scene based on historical accounts of Bridges' first day at an integrated elementary school in 1960, experiencing her walk through the mob from the perspective of a six-year-old. Creating this experience showcases how designing in VR can educate about historical events and generate conversation, while the process itself reveals the elements required of a flexible VR design framework.

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Abigail Ayers