

Joanna Celestina

Industrial Design, 2017

Epilepsy is a seizure disorder that affects 65 million people globally. 60% of these individuals happen to be children under the age of 15. While the side effects of epilepsy are vast, a large portion of problems revolves around safety, particularly head safety during seizure induced falls. Currently, a small amount of epilepsy safety helmets exist on the market.

Unfortunately these helmets are uncomfortable, bulky, retain too much heat, and stigmatize the children wearing them. When interviewed, some parents stated that, along with epilepsy, their children also suffered from self-esteem issues and depression. Thus they needed a new helmet that would provide physical safety while catering to these emotional needs.

The Dura hat aims to destigmatize epilepsy for children by providing unique features for customization and catering to their individual needs. Mimicking the form of the traditional baseball cap, Dura provides reassurance for both parents and children. Other key components include a medical ID badge, an adjustable dial for customized fit, breathable materials, and modular connections for attachment of safety accessories.

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Joanna Celestina

Joanna Celestina is a senior industrial design student from Cleveland, Ohio. Her education at Ohio State has helped Joanna realize her interests in design research, problem solving, and human centered and empathic design. During her career, she hopes that she can contribute to designing products that will make a difference in people’s lives. Outside of design, her hobbies include singing, playing piano, and spending time with family and friends.

View more of her work at here