Ello App
Sabrina Young
Industrial Design, 2022
With modern technology, the stigma of being an older adult can considerably impact the feeling of connectedness with younger generations. Compounding this further is reduced mobility and breakdown of the nuclear families of previous generations. Together, these directly influence elderly mental health and the common human need for social connection.
Ello's primary goal is to break down the technology barriers built around modern communication with a simple and safe environment and a guided approach to help capture meaningful family interactions.
Once family members are enabled within Ello, built-in flows are used to create playful and exciting digital interactions. Examples of these include:
Automated reminders for instant messaging and video calls keep families in touch.
Through a partnership with the Libby (TM) library system, Ello allows free and easy access to online story time books, and the ability to schedule bedtime stories for busy families.
Easy to follow and cross-device compatibility online gaming of traditional board games and doodle board messaging for playtime
Ello isn't all digital either! Combined with a monthly Ello Box subscription, grandparents and grandchildren can work together on correlated projects, games, and toys suitable for the child's age. Step-by-step and fully integrated guided instructions, with video, eliminate the challenges of distance and technology.
Together, Ello and any family can build a safe, loving, and engaging environment that spans age and distance.

Sabrina Young believes in it never being too late to create the story you seek to live. As a mother to three children, she has spent the past four years chasing her dream of becoming a designer while also balancing being a mother. Current design interests center around designing for the human experience, specifically with small children's needs/interests at the forefront. In Sabrina's free time, she enjoys renovating her house, traveling (pre-covid), and playing Nintendo with her children.