Emily Ridinger
The Song Bird
Located in Franklinton, “The Song Bird” is dedicated to supporting women who are survivors of human trafficking. Designed for those graduating from programs like “Sanctuary Night” or “Out of Darkness, ” my program focuses on the mental and emotional restoration of these women through the learning of music and community music therapy accompanied by employment opportunities. At its core is a cafe with an a-joined instrument “library” that encourages community engagement while providing access to affordable instruments. The cafe will also serve as a source of funding for my project and offer employment to the women. The design itself includes spaces like casual meeting areas, practice rooms, a small performance area for the public to rent, and more third spaces. The function of the space transforms to reach more demographics within the community. The vision for this project stems from my life-long love of music and the undeniable impact it has had on my mental health. I aim for this project to help these women feel seen and empowered, recognizing the transformative power of music and community on the mind, body, and soul. To strengthen my design, I have utilized research strategies like case studies, scholarly journals, and an observation study. I also have focused on organizations like Sanctuary Night and Freedom a La Carte, while exploring theories on music therapy in the context of interior space planning, material selection, and acoustics.

Emily Ridinger is a fourth-year student at The Ohio State University who is earning a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design and a minor in Art History. Emily is passionate about serving others through designing accessible and sustainable spaces for all people. Throughout her time at Ohio State and multiple internships, she has strengthened her skills in space planning, concept development, 3D modeling, and furniture/material selection.