Fresh Route

Fresh Route

Jean Pompeo

Industrial Design, 2017

A food distribution service designed to make locally grown foods more accessible by working with local farmers to help them sell and transport their harvest. Produce would be driven directly into high need neighborhoods such as food deserts, and elderly communities, as well as city centers, grade schools and colleges.

The truck makes the transport and sale of fresh produce much more convenient for a farmer than the alternative of driving and setting up a farmers market or managing a CSA. The purchase of these foods also becomes more convenient and accessible as it would be driven within walking distance of the consumer.

Jean Pompeo project image 1
Jean Pompeo project image 2
Jean Pompeo project image 3

Jean Paul

A designer with many interests including Biomimicry, Biophilia, Sustainability, Cradle to Cradle, Storytelling, and Industrial, Interior, and Service Design, Jean Paul (JP) wants to design holistic solutions for worldly problems. As a maker, he enjoys wood working, metal working, ceramics, and making physical models, but also likes solving wicked problems that require in-depth research and analysis. As a nature enthusiast, he likes spending time outdoors and strives to lead a sustainable lifestyle.