Gaining Green
Jaclyn Vulcano
Interior Design, 2023
Gaining Green is a place that students come to learn green design and become certified, while also open to the public to learn about sustainability and influence behavior changes. The building teaches through demonstration of itself. Additionally, biophilia and WELL strategies are included to create a refreshing and serene space for learning. All the materials and furniture are registered with Mindful Materials to ensure only the most sustainable resources are used. Environmental aesthetic images made from recycled materials fill the space to create a deeper connection between the viewer and nature. While using LEED criteria as a guide, the space includes various sustainable building systems; such as a hydronic radiant heating and cooling system, grey water reclamation system that irrigates the plants, and a solar panel system.

View Thesis Documentation Here!

Jaclyn Vulcano is a fourth year interior design student. She has a passion for the environment and wants to create innovative sustainable solutions within design. She created this project in hopes to increase environmental awareness and provide employment opportunity in Franklinton. While still being a young designer, she hopes to positively impact the world of design with her passions and help those most susceptible to climate change along the way.