Get Back to Green a story about BIG FEELINGS
Ashland Damron
Visual Communication Design, 2023
Get Back to Green is an interactive children’s book that aims to educate first and second-graders on emotion regulation while also supplying them with a toolkit to process BIG FEELINGS.
The story follows Mel the Chameleon throughout his day as he experiences feelings of sadness, anger, and excitement. With each of these emotions, his body changes color. In order to get back to green, and feel happy, Mel exercises healthy coping mechanisms.
The book features augmented reality elements that bring these coping mechanisms to life using image targeting and animation. This allows young children to not only learn healthy coping skills but also properly exercise them. Ultimately supplying the readers with a toolkit for healthy mechanisms to regulate their emotions.

View Thesis Documentation Here!

Ashland Damron currently studies visual communication design with interest in emerging technology. Soon enough, she will be an alumnus of THE Ohio State University and forced to step into reality. Virtual and augmented, that is. She is passionate about exploring the ways that design and technology interact to create immersive experiences for users.