Harrison Dodd

Harrison Dodd

Buzz CGM System

Pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes are becoming increasingly prevalent within the United States. However, research shows a lack of education about preventative treatments as well as a lack of motivation among patients to adopt those treatments. The Buzz Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System works to help prediabetics understand their condition, learn how to manage it, and acts as a motivational tool to promote proactive management of the disease. 

Buzz has both physical and digital components that work hand in hand. The reusable applicator was designed with sustainability in mind, and generates less waste than currently available products. The transmitter worn by the patient is equipped with an e-ink display controlled from the Buzz app, and displays graphics to express the patient’s style. The Buzz app also allows a user to view live glucose levels, set goals, earn rewards, customize the e-ink display, and interact with friends and other members of the pre-diabetic community. 

Buzz - take the sting out of pre-diabetes!

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Harrison Dodd

Harrison Dodd is a fourth-year industrial design student from Cleveland Ohio. He is interested in healthcare design, consumer design, and sports. Harrison was also involved with the IDSA OSU student chapter, serving as treasurer from 2023-2024. In his free time, Harrison loves to take photos, watch sports, and ride his longboard around campus.