Honda Reusable Bag Compartment

Honda Reusable Bag Compartment

Jacqueline Brandon

Industrial Design, 2024

Honda was looking for a design improvement for the vehicle cargo area to assist users with grocery shopping. This project focuses on how reusable bags can be integrated into the car. The Reusable Bag Compartment system in Honda vehicles includes a designated storage spot for reusable bags and a method of notification to the curbside associates to use reusable bags. I worked in parallel with 3 other students to integrate all our design solutions.

The reusable bag storage compartment is a glove box like storage unit built into the trunk of all Honda’s that utilizes the space between the back of the car frame and the wheel well. It includes a light for easy identification and a small door for easy access. In addition, there should be an update of the Kroger app to ask if the customer would like to use reusable bags for their purchase.

Jacqueline Brandon project image 1
Reusable bag compartment prototype
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Reusable bag compartment prototype with open door
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Reusable bag compartment prototype with reusable bags
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Reusable bag compartment prototype with reusable bags and open door
Jacqueline Brandon project image 6
Concept Addition: Reusable bag prompt in Kroger app
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Jacqueline Brandon

Jacqueline Brandon is a creative designer who aspires to make an impact in the world through visual communication and creative innovation. She has an interest in user experience, transportation, history, design research, and emerging technologies. She is curious to learn more about human-machine team learning. Jacqueline wants to be a designer who helps pave the way for ethical, safe, useful, and beautiful integration of technology into everyday life.