Liann Trahey

Liann Trahey


Many women struggle with workouts because they aren’t taught how their bodies change throughout their cycle. Most fitness applications are designed for men, making it harder for women to reach their goals. This can lead to frustration, burnout, or even injury. My Senior Capstone focuses on creating a fitness environment tailored to women by designing workouts that align with different phases of their cycle. Providing simple, well-researched guidance will help women exercise in a way that supports their bodies rather than working against them. The goal is to make fitness easier and more effective by teaching women how to train smarter, improve their health, and feel confident in their workouts. With the right information and support, women can use their cycle to boost performance, recovery, and overall well-being.

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Liann Trahey

Liann Trahey is a fourth-year Visual Communication Design major pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Design. Within her three years of being in the design program, she has had the chance to have five internships around the Columbus area to deepen her design skills. She has also served as Co-President of the CSCA Student Chapter at Ohio State, a design committee member for TEDxOhioStateUniversity, and a student member for Color Marketing Group.