Megan Schlabig

Megan Schlabig

Own it

In today’s fast-paced world of fast fashion, it’s easy to feel the pressure to keep up with the latest trends, constantly buying new clothes to stay relevant. But what if we told you that true style doesn’t come from the next purchase? Instead, it’s about rediscovering the beauty of what you already own. Enter Own It, the revolutionary app designed to help women unleash their unique fashion style using the clothes they already have in their closets.

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Megan Schlabig

Megan Schlabig is a Visual Communication Designer. Main interests include fashion, print design, and building relationships. She has had multiple internships such as one at Victoria’s Secret. In these internships she has learned how to work under deadlines, on a design team and how to use her visual communication design skills in the design world. In the future she wants to use visual communication design to help, care for, and grow people.