Moolah: Personal Finance App for Young Women
Hayley Gregor
Industrial Design, 2023
Moolah is an innovative finance learning app designed to help young women learn the basics of
personal financial management. The app guides users through a budgeting process where they
can enter their dream job, salary, living situation, and financial goals, and learn about saving,
investing, and emergency planning. It also prompts users to proactively make budgets based on
how their job, salary, and goals may change, allowing them to visualize their financial growth up
to retirement.
By setting both long-term and short-term goals, users can see the outcome of
their savings plans, with short-term goals achieved through optimizing savings and long-term
goals through investing. The app also offers exploration into what others are planning for,
inspiring users to make financial goals they are excited about. This app aligns with the theme of
education and learning, empowering young women to take control of their finances and develop
critical financial management skills for a successful financial future.

Hayley Gregor is a senior Industrial Design major at The Ohio State University with a personal
emphasis on UX/UI. She has a diverse background in product development and design
research, and enjoys solving complex problems using design. On campus, she is involved in her
sorority, Alpha Xi Delta, and served as VP of the Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
Organization. She will be starting her career this summer as a UX design analyst at JP Morgan
in New York City. In her free time, she enjoys fitness, fashion, and finding the perfect croissant.
View Hayley’s other project at here!