PALS - Patient Assistance and Learning Services
Samantha Riley
Visual Communication Design, 2016
PALS is a series of digital interaction screens designed to divert a child’s attention from the pain and chaos associated with hospital emergency rooms. PALS aims to provide a happy experience and break the negative stigmas children associate with visiting hospitals.
PALS does this by introducing new animal friends through digital screens positioned on emergency room walls. They new animal friends interact with the patient, making the child feel comfortable, and introduce him or her to any procedure that will take place in a way that is easy for them to comprehend. Additionally, they administer interactive games with the patient until the doctor is ready for their visit. PALS not only improve emergency room experiences for the child, but also for the parent and hospital staff.
Samantha Riley is a visual and user experience designer originally from Cleveland, Ohio. She enjoys solving problems creatively, and pushing design solutions to new territories. Come graduation, she is excited to continue exploring the design world as a professional.
In addition to design, Samantha has a passion for running and being active, as well as reading and baking. She loves spending time with her family and friends and taking on new adventures each day.