The Process of Making a Braided Comic Through Creative Inquiry
Elizabeth Hejny
MFA Digital Animation and Interactive Media, 2024
Project Description:
Git Gud: A Braided Comic About the Good, Bad, and Ugly in the Video Games Community (2024) is a creative inquiry into presenting research in a comic format. Comics-based research refers to a broad set of practices that use the comics form to collect, analyze, and disseminate scholarly research. The unique design aspects of this project include the creation of a braided comic about harassment in video games, which adapts the principles of a braided essay into a visual braid of three perspectives (called strands): a narrative short story, research on harassment in video games, and my autoethnographic experiences with harassment as a video game player.
Committee Members:
Maria Palazzi (Advisor), Kyoung Swearingen, Jesse Fox
Comic, Creative Inquiry, Video games, Harassment in Video Games, Toxicity in Video Games