Raising the Bar
MacKenna O’Hara
Interior Design, 2023
Franklinton FIT is a space created to support the formerly incarcerated community as they reintegrate into society by prioritizing their physical and mental well-being. In order to prevent reincarceration, the space trains individuals to become professionals in the fitness industry in order to combat unemployment, as well as supports other common struggles faced by those who have spent time in the prison system such as maximizing meal assistance services, mental health care, and substance dependency. The neuroaesthetics of the building and materials were chosen specifically to evoke the same biological response of dopamine and serotonin release that one gets when exercising, with the intention of associating reward, mood- regulation, and encouragement simply by entering the space. Franklinton FIT serves to facilitate second chances by raising the bar above the stereotypes held against this under supported community.

View Thesis Documentation Here!

MacKenna O’Hara is a fourth year Interior Design student with a specific interest in health and wellness. Her inspiration for this project stemmed from a coach who turned his life around through fitness after being incarcerated, and she aspires to influence others to prioritize health through design the same way he did for her. She hopes that throughout her professional career she’ll be able to advance the impact a space can have on overall wellness, especially to those who need it most.
You can check out her portfolio at this website!