Relive: Stroke Rehabilitation Program
Theresa Pham
Industrial Design, 2023
RELIVE is a rehabilitation program with Battelle’s NeuroLife sleeve that combines hobbies and rehab together so they can be used and molded into patients’ daily lives. Rehab is like working out, if they do not work out consistently, they begin to lose muscle they have gained over time; frequency and consistency are vital in rehab. This program will help to elongate rehabilitation from five months to instead nine months, combining and cycling through at-home, clinical, and recreation use. Their schedule will begin with clinical therapy and eventually move towards at home use, and when the patient is comfortable, into recreational group sessions. This will be able to extend the length of rehabilitation over the span of a year and allow for the opportunity to be able to take rehabilitation classes and connect with other people who are going through the same experiences as they are.

Theresa Pham is an artistic and explorative designer, never shying away from learning different ways to approach a problem from her peers. She spends her free time doing art and developing her different skillsets not only to become a better artist, but also a better product designer. One day wants to be able to develop products for individuals with physical disabilities to help better their daily life.