Jonathan Ishida
MFA Digital Animation and Interactive Media, 2014
Remnants is an animated short that draws considerable inspiration from Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, Arthur C. Clarke's short story The Sentinel, and That Game Company's short-form game Journey. In response to these films I am referencing a narrative structure Kubrick and Clarke called "mythological documentary" to explore the fundamental nature of our universe through the vivid visual experience of a lone character at the end of time, and the metaphoric connotations of isolation on a journey into the unknown. Set at the end of the universe, a young girl drawn to the horizon leaves her home and embarks on a journey to the edge of day and night, culminating in a transcendent experience on the dark side of her planet.
Jonathan Ishida has a background in drawing and computer generated imagery and a fascination with science and technology, all of which had a strong influence on the development of his thesis project. He received his BFA in Art and Technology from OSU in 2009 and is now completing his MFA in Digital Animation and Interactive Media. He hopes to obtain a position at an animation production studio after he graduates.