Revolve: A mechanical ventilator device
Sandra Allen
Industrial Design, 2022
With the overwhelming amount of respiratory illness facing our nation due to Covid-19, we are seeing a record-breaking number of people needing to be put on ventilators. Due to the exhaustion of stationary ventilators as well as transport ventilators. Healthcare professionals are having to result to manual ventilation more than ever before. Currently manual ventilation is the most inconsistent form of ventilation. Healthcare professionals are unable to gauge how much air per milliliters they are giving to their patient.
Revolve, a device that is placed around a manual ventilator to help regulate how much air will be given to a patient. This device helps the experienced to the inexperienced save lives and lessen the likelihood of overstraining or suffocating a patient during resuscitation. The creation of this device came out of redesigning the process in which Respiratory Therapists currently transport their patients from their stationary ventilators to different wings of the hospital for testing.

Sandra Allen is an Energetic Industrial Design student with engineering aptitude and artistic flair seeking an Industrial Design role that provides the opportunity to build and hone her design skills, acquire professional experience in the product design process, and contribute to the success of the project team. Sandra would like to find a role that involves technical and aesthetic design.
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