Root Market
Kassi Sturgill
Interior Design, 2019
Franklinton, Ohio is poverty ridden with 41.8% of residents living below the poverty line. The closest grocery store is two miles away, making it a food desert. Residents are also losing access to their healthcare provider since Mount Carmel West is moving out of town. I wanted to combat all of these issues at the root cause through a market without gentrifying Franklinton.
Residents will have easy access through the COTA bus route to this multi-use grocery store. On the first floor, they can grab a quick pre-made meal, order fresh made-to-order meals at the café, or buy healthy in-house grown food to cook at home. Sample stations are provided for customers to sample and learn about the food being sold at Root Market. No matter what they chose, they will be eating a low-cost, healthy meal. On the second level, there is a rotating healthcare provider and hydroponic gardens.

Kassi Sturgill is graduating with her bachelor’s degree in Interior Design and minors in General Business, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, and Society & Environmental Issues. In her five years at OSU she has been able to travel to four continents and have a variety of internship experiences. She is most passionate about sustainability and about making interior spaces that positively affect the users. Kassi plans to focus on healthcare design upon graduation.