SAVS, Shared Autonomous Vehicle Seat

SAVS, Shared Autonomous Vehicle Seat

Trey Kim

Industrial Design, 2019

The purpose of this project is to design a concept for a front seat in a shared autonomous vehicle. The project assumes a four-passenger vehicle with the general size of the Honda Pilot and Level 4 autonomy. 

The business model focuses on a shareable and autonomous vehicle service that allows users to move around the city or between nearby cities (less than 3 hours away). The targeted users are young adults between 18 and 29 years old, mainly young professionals and young people with their family and friends. The service is, however, not limited to this age range. Since the vehicle has Level 4 autonomy, the customer who orders the car must have a valid driver's license.

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Trey Kim

Trey Kim is a South Korea based Industrial Designer. He specializes in finding design opportunities based on human behavior observational research and visualizing Product & Industrial Design by hand sketching and various software. He focuses on enhancing human behavioral conditions under the mission of improving our daily lives with coordinating a variety of opinions into a proper solution.