Senro. A Classroom Sensory Kit for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Zachary Michael Kahl
Industrial Design, 2018
As of 2015, there are more than 76 million children that were born with ASD in the world and 90%, or more, of these children have Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). 3 sensory areas that could be affected by SPD, Vestibular, Proprioception, and Tactile. The vestibular system involves receptors in the inner ear that, when not working correctly, can make a child fearful of a space and in need of continuous stimuli. Proprioception involves providing necessary signals to be aware of body position and can cause a child to have difficulty manipulating objects when it is not working correctly. Last, tactile involves nerves under the skin and can cause over stimulation and discomfort. All these systems are unique to every child in that all have different needs in sensory. To accommodate these sensory needs, A sensory kit system that can be customized to a specific child’s needs is crucial. Once sensory needs are satisfied, they will be able to retain a lot more information being given to them in school.

Zachary Michael Kahl is a graduating senior industrial design student from Reynoldsburg, Ohio. His drive for design comes from his aspiration to help improve a person's experience with any system they come in contact with. He is interested in retail and user experience design and he would like to continue on in these areas in the future. He hopes to make a real impact physically and socially in the years to come.
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