Mackie Herrlinger
Visual Communication Design, 2023
When we think of climate change, it’s likely that images of melting ice, forest fires, and flooded streets are the first things to pop into our heads. This is because much of the environmental news we consume has adopted a message of climate doom, the idea that we are past the point of being able to do anything to stop global warming. This narrative is deeply damaging to people’s will to act.
My thesis project, Symbio, acts as an alternative to climate doom by providing a platform of climate hope and joy. Prompted by Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, a marine biologist, policy expert, and conservation strategist’s TED talk, “How to find joy in environmental action” in which she emphasized the importance of individual action using our unique strengths and skills, I hope to create a space where people can see and share ideas that inspire and motivate them to take action.

View Thesis Documentation Here!

Mackie Herrlinger is a 2023 graduate of Ohio State with a Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication Design and a minor in Social Psychology and Personality. She is interested in the space where design and culture intersect. Guided by her values of empathy, intention, and sustainability, she hopes to share her belief in the magic of creativity and the transformational power of design through her work. In her spare time, she loves making and experiencing all kinds of art, spending time with friends and family, and falling down Wikipedia rabbit holes.
View Mackie's other project in here!