Taste of Motion: Developing a Systematic Framework to Explore Motion Graphic Design Within Brand Experience.
Meg Valluri
MFA Digital Animation and Interactive Media, 2022
Project Description:
The nature of visual communication design is quite subjective, and motion adds an additional layer of vagueness. While Motion graphic design is not a new topic, it is still being explored as technology continues to evolve and as brand guidelines struggle to account for it. For this project-based, non-thesis, I embraced that ambiguity and explored a new way to approach developing motion. I utilized a locally well-known company, Jeni’s Ice Cream, to study how motion can be incorporated within a brand and enhance the brand experience. Americans have an engrained connection to ice cream similar to how humans have an inherent connection to motion. The goal of this project is to provide a framework to designers who are exploring how to integrate motion graphic design into their own brand experiences. My hope is that other designers can gain confidence and imagination when developing motion graphics by using this project as a tool for creative problem solving. My ambition is to break the boundary of current thinking surrounding the limitations of motion graphic design and to cultivate ideas of how to enhance a brand experience using the techniques of motion.
Committee Members:
Yvette Shen, Peter Chan, and Paul Nini
Motion Graphic Design, Systematic Framework, Multi-Sensory Perception, Brand Experience, Ice Cream