The Unveiled

The Unveiled

Ana Suhayda

Interior Design, 2023

Franklinton is home to several single mother families. While raising a child is a job in itself, trying to work a job outside the home is another challenge. The Unveiled is a space that equips these mothers with the cosmetology skills of a hairdresser and manicurist, with a goal to provide a way to work out of the home. The lower level is used for the clinical portion of the license as well as can be used for workshop lessons, while the upper level is the education spaces. While traditional means of salons are rapidly changing to be a form of self expression, The Unveiled provides a place to discover just that and help break the narrative of the women before them.

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Workshop space on the first floor for hair styling
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Education space for the hairdressing certification
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Alternate Rendering of hairdressing education space

View Thesis Documentation Here!

Ana Suhayda

Ana Suhayda is a senior graduating in May with a Bachelor's degree in Science of Interior Design. Throughout her time at Ohio State she has grown to love developing conceptual designs for spaces and understanding how that can impact the overall experience a user has. Inspired by sustainability and color theory, she is determined to create spaces with material longevity and bold application, seeking to continue to grow in knowledge post graduation.

You can check out her portfolio at this website!