Urban Green Wall and Seating Unit: A Concrete 3D Printing Exploration
Samantha Gaerke
Industrial Design, 2023
In this project, I developed a green wall and outdoor seating unit with the goal to reintroduce greenery and plant life into urban spaces. Through execution of this goal, I am also exploring potential future applications and possibilities offered by concrete 3D printing. Urban environments have developed with little thought to space for nature, and as a result, it is largely absent from the urban context and absent from the lives of urban individuals. This green wall seating unit provides a vertical structure for plant life to grow and provides its users space to sit and enjoy the thriving greenery. It also features a water fountain irrigation system, not only to maintain the plants, but for added beauty and a relaxing atmosphere. With the potential to increase engagement with nature more actively, this project draws attention to the need for creative solutions for the future of urban development.

Samantha Gaerke is a senior at the Ohio State University working toward a bachelor of science degree in Industrial Design with a minor in Agricultural Communications. She is passionate about helping others and strives to incorporate human-centered design and sustainability into her work. Following graduation, Samantha plans to create product and graphic design content for agriculture based companies. She also plans to develop effective communication strategies and products for local Christian and pro-life non-profits.
View Samantha's other project at here!