Kelly Buescher
Visual Communication Design, 2016
Votable is an interactive online resource that simplifies the process of becoming an informed voter. Votable compiles issues and races that will appear on each user’s ballot for the next election and helps them to visually learn about each topic.
Ballot issues are represented by interactive circles, which show whether information from the Internet is mostly against or in favor of different initiatives. Users are able to learn more about each issue by clicking on the interactive circles and following the link to read the web article. Comparing candidates has never been easier. Users can view the positions of each candidate side by side and see where they stand on the issues that matter to them.
Each time a ballot preference is selected, it is automatically saved to the user’s profile. The Votable mobile application allows for easy access to saved preferences while voting on Election Day.

Kelly Buescher is a visual communication designer with a focus in user experience and interaction design. She loves that design presents so many opportunities to understand a wide variety of topics and creative challenges.
When she isn’t doing design work, Kelly enjoys working out and being an active member in her church.