[XR] Extended Reality’s role in Co-design Research
M.F. Yang Chen
MFA Design Research and Development, 2020
Thesis Abstract:
A big part of design research today focuses on human experience as the core of the design process. To better understand human experiences, design researchers have adopted the approach of co-design /participatory design. Tools and techniques have been designed to allow for stakeholders in the co-design process to tap into their creative mindset and engage them in making, telling and / or enacting such experiences.

M. F. Yang Chen is a design researcher with a love of exploring and incorporating new technologies as part of his process. Currently his research revolves around utilizing extended reality as a tool within design research to understand and create meaningful user experiences. He has a background in Marketing and Industrial Design and has continued this human centered focus in his current MFA in Design Research and Development.
More of Yang’s work can be found at mfyangchen.com