DESIGN 3200: Design Research I
Introduction to techniques and methods of evaluative research.
Credit Hours
Prerequisite: Admission to Bachelor of Science in Design program; or Permission of Instructor.
By the end of the semester students should be able to:
- To learn how to conduct and to analyze evaluative design research to determine how effective (i.e.,useful, usable, and desirable) products, spaces, services, and communication systems are
- To understand people’s experiences. How do they live, learn, work, and play today and how is this experience connected to their past and future experiences?
- To learn how to conduct and to analyze experiential design research for understanding and empathizing with people at the level of experience
- To create a personal portfolio of design research methods and tools
- To begin to understand your potential as a design research and as a team member through self reflection and peer assessment
Textbooks and other printed materials
- All required readings (including digital readings) will be posted to Carmen
Baseline technical skills for online courses
- Basic computer and web-browsing skills
Required software/technologies for this course
- CarmenZoom virtual meetings (free)
- Microsoft Office 365: All Ohio State students are not eligible for free Microsoft Office 365
Course Organization
This is a 3 credit hour course that meets in person twice a week for
* Office hours available twice a week and by appointment
* Office hours available twice a week and by appointment
Sample Coursework
Work students can expect include:
- Assignments and exercises
- Attendance required
Semester(s) Offered: