Design Research II

DESIGN 4200: Design Research II

Introduction to tools techniques and methods and mindsets of generative research.
Credit Hours

Prerequisite: Admission to Bachelor of Science in Design program; or Permission of Instructor.


Students will learn how to conduct research for the design and development of products, services, spaces and communications with a focus on the fuzzy front end of design. Having worked with a traditional approach in D3200, we will in D4200 address design research from a participatory mindset: designing with people.


By the end of this semester, students should successfully be able:
  • To apply design research methods in order to understand people’s experiences. How do they live, learn, work and play today and how are these experiences connected to their past and future experiences?
  • To learn how to conduct and analyze generative design research in order to produce ideas, insights and concepts that may then be designed and developed. This will be done from a participatory perspective, i.e., inviting non-designers into the design process to co-design their futures
  • To explore the use of new communication technologies in generative design research
  • To recognize your potential as a designer or design researcher and as a collaborator on interdisciplinary teams

Textbooks and other printed materials Required

Sanders, E.B.-N and Stappers, P.J. (2012) Convivial Toolbox: Generative Research for the Front End of Design, BIS Publishers, NL. (Available on for $34.54)


  • Students will use a variety of materials in this course and a wide range of materials will be provided for use

Course Organization

This is an in-person 3 credit hour course that meets for 80 minutes twice a week

Sample Coursework

Students can expect:
  • Participation and attendance required
  • Assignments and projects

Semester(s) Offered:


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