DESIGN 5801: Design Seminar for Industrial Design
Investigation of issues and inquiry into topics of relevance to design; group discussions and analysis of events, processes, manifestations and procedures in Industrial Design.
Credit Hours
Prerequisite: Admission to Bachelor of Science in Design - Industrial Design program; or permission of instructor.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate enhanced abilities to:
- Assimilate the conceptual principles of care ethics and reflect on their value to inform their professional responsibilities as designers
- Reflect on the emerging moral issues associated with the contemporary development of artificial intelligence as it transforms the practice of industrial design
- Engage and lead a structured conversation around the social role of design
- Develop a general understanding of ethics as a determinant of the decision-making process in design
- Critically and precisely examine design projects from the lenses and principles of particular moral stances
Course Materials
All class-related materials are available through Carmen
Course Organization
This is a 3 credit hour seminar that meets for 2:40 once a week
Sample Coursework
Students can expect:
- Reading discussions
- Participation and attendance
Semester(s) Offered: